Create Sustainable, Autonomous, and Equitable Organisations* with SAOcommons

Skill-based communities

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What is SAOcommons?

An open Protocol that enables sustainable equitable skill-based organizations to be built.

The protocol is a set of recommendations and rules that outline specific skilling, demand generation, and operational standards. These standards can be adopted for a specific skill segment, irrespective of religion, gender, race, nationality, and any human-made categorizations.

SAOcommons for "skill-based organization-building" is what HTTP is for the world wide web and SMTP is for emails, and Bitcoin is for value exchange.


Why the term SAOcommons ?

SAO - Sustainable Autonomous Organisations.
* Sustainable - Financially and Purposefully. i.e. People coming together around skills.
*Autonomous - An organisation that is setup to run on its own by decentralising purpose and gamifying incentivies.
* Commons - common good is a type of economic good.
Common good has an economic definition - basically rival (a type of good that may only be possessed or consumed by a single user) and non-excludable.

In our case, a community's projects are rivalrous (if one team executes a project/ job, others won't be able to) and non-excludable cos entry to the community (SAO) is either through money/labor.
Hence the term SAOcommons!

SAOcommons protocol is an output of the below experiments

18B2B Clients


Here's the nth revision of our mental model after four years of researching and experimenting. Every shape you see in the diagram below is an abstracted learning from one of the above-mentioned experiments.

The IoV - SAOcommons- Mental Model Evolution by

A SAO / skill-based Community is a microcosm of an Economy

Production Function : Output (Y) ~ f ( Capital (k), Labour (L) & Productivity (&).So a SAO / skill-based Community should have all these components for an unbroken chain of logic / mathematical consistency.

The Three Systems that Sustain a SAO

People, Process and Incentives

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Labour / People / Supply /Skilling System

The workshops, cohort-based courses, learning circles, and other skilling sides of a community. The learning activity log of an action within a community.

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Capital / Growth / Market / Demand System

The projects and gigs and jobs side of a community. The performance activity log of an action within a community.

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Processes / Wellbeing / Operating System

The process aspect of the system along with validation of work of activity members incentivizes learning, performance, and community-building activities of a community. The community building activity log of an action within a community.

Build a Web3Community / SAO | NOcode

We incubate, operate, and Scale Web3 communities around skills.

tools time clock deadline curfew timer alarm walk run

Do it Yourself

Follow the SAOcommons Protocol and build a skill-based community / SAO by yourself. You don't need any CODING experience.

workflow office business meeting workspace desk consultation client customer

Hands-on Training

Join our Cohort based Classes and get resources and knowledge to build SAO / skill-based communities

Sign up for early access


Already running a community / tech / marketing service companies ? Learn how to convert your agencies / service shops to scalable and equitable communities. Apply here

10 reasons community to SAO on the IOV by

Are you a Community Builder? Upgrade!

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